White Campbell’s Soup
Buy One Of The 32 Campbell’s Soup Cans And Unveil Your Mystery Flavor
In the early sixties, Andy Warhol created many works depicting consumer products and popular culture. One of his most recognizable achievements is the Campbell’s Soup Can, created originally in 32 versions. At first glance, the cans seem to be identical copies, yet when looking closely you’ll notice that each has its own individual flavor.
We recreated this modern masterpiece creating 32 unique skateboard art decks, each sold separately as a one-of-one edition. For an element of surprise, we will randomly assign the soup’s flavor uniquely to you.
Order now and find out what your very own Campbell’s Soup tastes like. The artwork is part of the MoMA’s permanent collection. This is an exclusive collaboration with ©/®/™ The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, Inc.